terça-feira, junho 04, 2002

Coloquei um contador aqui no blog. A partir de hoje contarei o número de visitas únicas, ou seja, o contador não marcará um hit a mais se a mesma pessoa visitar o blog duas ou mais vezes ao dia, somente contando um hit. Isso é legal pra ver o tanto de gente que acessa aqui, além de mim. Hehehe!
Special thanks to Thomas!!! I'm using Jellycounter now. ;-)

Last night I had a little fight with Fran because I dont' want to have a relationship with him again, but he loves me a lot!
I'd really like to make him happy, but I don't. He slept in my house and I waked up with my eyelids swollen today because I cryed a lot before sleep.
I don't know if my phrases are correct or wrong, but I need to practice and learn...

Thanks to Jacob and his patience and attention with me. He's helping me with my poor english knowledge... =o) I hope to be a little bit better in a few months... =oP
A big kiss for u, dear!

Yesterday I had Cisco router configuration classes in CIEE.

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